Tuesday, August 2, 2011

PlasticKitten Portable by Evan

In this slightly modified Q*Bert clone you take the role of Plastic Kitten™, the universe´s last line of defense against the evil forces of Volksmusik™. To save the world, you have been transported into the cybermatic brain of the evil leader of this movement, Dr. Hi-No.
Inside his brain you must activate the atomic power within the molecubes to destroy the cybertronic levels around Dr. Hi-No´s brain core. Once you activated all molecubes in a room, it destructs itself and you are automatically transported to the next one. There are five levels, each has four rooms.
Can you make it to the last room, conquer Dr. Hi-No´s alter ego and save the world? The hope of zillions of brain-washed disco-maniacs rests on your sexy shoulders!

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