CPU Speed Pro will accurately benchmark your PC processor speed. The software records and reviews thousands of processor speeds which are added daily to the worldwide CPU ranking website. CPU comparison tables chart and review speeds of each of the different Intel and AMD processors.
CPU Speed Pro will stress test your CPU and works on all processors types, including servers, workstations, dual core, quad core, laptop, netbook and mobile computers.
CPU Benchmark results are submitted by users to the CPU Speed Pro worldwide ranking web site. CPU Speed performs a wide range of tests which are then compared with results from other CPUs to determine the global CPU rating for a processor.
We run each of 12 different CPU tests on a system's available processors. Our test reviews include overclocked CPUs, high end processors, server CPUs, mid-range processors, Intel Atom netbook CPUs, as well as Netbook CPU shootouts.
CPU Stress Test Your Processor - First Download CPU Speed Pro and then install and run the program. Click the 'Test CPU Speed' button and CPU Speed Pro will run thru a range of benchmarking tests to determine the speed of your processor.
Once complete, click the 'Submit My Score' button to upload your CPU benchmark to our benchmark charts.